Internet censorship in IRAN

As we all know internet has become a good source of information in the world. In my country(IRAN) Internet has been censored . “IRAN is awful because it is a government that violate the right of people” Clinton said.!

It reminds me 3 years a go when I was in my country ‘IRAN’ and police came to our house by force and broke out all computers, video, T.v, .. etc, just because we used computers to check email, or Facebook account. we watched T.v. just for fun. Is it the human right? what is wrong with having Facebook account or checking personal email?
Iranian government has blocked Iranian people from accessing thousands of websites.The only reason for this action is that the people  can access the Internet  that there are much indecent material on the Internet, such as pornography that people should not be exposed to  because it is an Islamic country.
Personally, I believe that the Internet should not be censored. Freedom of speech was given to us.  The rights have been ours for centuries and should not be taken away today, in modern society.
In my opinion Iran is fighting internet or in better word technology freedom! As Clinton says, “These actions contravene the Universal Declaration on Human Rights”,that means all people must have the right to see and receive the new information,.. participate in democratic  and political aspect.

One response »

  1. This is very intense and powerful – it would be interesting to read or hear more about this topic if you felt comfortable writing about it or doing so anonymously. It makes me wonder what kinds of sites are specifically blocked – to what extent does the blocking go?

    You bring up good points and questions. Is Internet freedom a basic human right? Clinton talks about different historical examples, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is interesting to think about….if a document like that was written today, would it include a statement about technology and the Internet specifically I wonder….


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